
Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Artist/Historian George S. Stuart creates Marius' Mule for New York collector!

Roman LegionaryIn addition to creating figures for museum exhibition, artist historian George S. Stuart also produces commissioned figures for serious collectors. One of his collectors requested this figure of a Roman legionary serving in the legions under the command of Gaius Marius. Marius is recognized for totally restructuring the Roman Army and introducing new training regimens. He changed the army from a voluntary militia to a professional force, allowing men from all classes of Roman society to join and make a career of military service.

See a full length view of this amazingly detailed figure at the Gallery of Historical Figures!


  1. Anonymous12:20 AM


    just to let you know I came across your blog when researching Mundia dolls and I loved it.
    I also visited the site you created for the Historical Figures of G. Stuart and I found his work amazing.
    My sister in law collect dolls as well and she's creating a diorama about Ancient Rome so I gave her the link to your blog about it.
    I hope you don't mind I posted in my blog as well a link to the Gallery and of course I mentioned I took the info from your blog and link it.

    Thanks again for the great informations and pictures.


  2. Thank you for your kind remarks, Claudia. Several months ago I was asked by a Los Angeles theater company if I was willing to selling my Mundia Louis XVII Dauphin doll but I told them I just couldn't part with it. I would love to see pictures of your sister's Roman diorama when she completes it. Classical antiquity is my favorite historical period!
